
SWEEPR is the native token of the Sweepr protocol and has a hard cap of 700,000,000 tokens.


9% (63,000,000) of SWEEPR was sold for a total amount of $130k in a Fjord Foundry LBP with an end price of $0.00148.

Initial Liquidity

9.5% (66,500,000) of all SWEEPR tokens we're deployed as SWEEPR/ETH Uni-V2 liquidity with an initial price set at $.00148.


5% (35,000,000) of all SWEEPR tokens are allocated to the Sweepr treasury fund. The Sweepr team employs conscious use of treasury funds while prioritizing the health and longevity of the protocol.

Community Airdrop

5% (35,000,000) of all SWEEPR tokens are allocated to a community airdrop, rolled out in three phases detailed here.

Vested Team Funds

10% (70,000,000) of all SWEEPR tokens are allocated to the Sweepr team fund which are vested linearly over 1 year with a one month cliff.

Liquidity Mining

61.5% (430,500,000) of all SWEEPR are allocated towards liquidity mining incentives. 30% (210,000,000) of which are to be emitted to xSWEEPR holders on Ethereum Mainnet, 20% (140,000,000) to Berachain*, and 11.5% to future L1/L2 prospects*.


Liquidity Mining Emissions Schedule

SWEEPR tokens are emitted over a four year period with rewards scaling downwards each following year. Liquidity mining at the time of launch will be on Ethereum Mainnet only, with Berachain to follow per it's imminent release and our subsequent deployment. Additionally, 11.5% of the liquidity mining allocation is reserved for future cross-chain, EVM compatible prospects.

Ethereum Mainnet


Token Tax

All trades of the SWEEPR token are subject to a 5% tax. The sole purpose of this tax is to fund sweeps and filter incentives to users as revenue share.

  • 2% as revenue share distributed in ETH amongst xSWEEPR holders who meet criteria.

  • 2% to the Sweepr treasury in ETH that directly funds acquisition sweeps.

  • 1% to the Sweepr treasury in ETH for operational expenses.

Last updated