xSWEEPR is an ERC-20 token that is minted at a 1:1 ratio whenever a user deposits their SWEEPR/ETH Uni-V2 LP token and therefore has a fluctuating supply that is based on the total amount of LP tokens staked.

Minting xSWEEPR grants users access to governance proposals and exposure to SWEEPR liquidity mining and revenue share rewards.

SWEEPR Liquidity Mining

SWEEPR tokens are emitted over a four year period with rewards scaling downwards each subsequent year. As mentioned above, holding xSWEEPR allows user to farm SWEEPR and grow their governance power by compounding their rewards into new xSWEEPR positions.

Revenue Share

All DEX trades are subject to a 5% token tax of which 2% is distributed amongst xSWEEPR holders as revenue share and are able to be claimed every reward epoch (7 days).

To qualify for revenue share rewards, users must hold any amount of xSWEEPR for an entire reward epoch. Once this criteria is met, claims will be enabled for the next epoch and beyond so long as a user stays in the xSWEEPR pool.

Last updated