
To mint xSWEEPR, users must follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Uniswap, connect your wallet, and create a v2 liquidity position by depositing equal amounts of ETH and SWEEPR.

  2. Once you've provided liquidity and have received your SWEEPR/ETH Uni-V2 LP, navigate to and deposit your LP token to receive xSWEEPR.

  3. Now that you have received xSWEEPR, you will gain immediate exposure to SWEEPR liquidity mining incentives and access to governance.

Alternatively, users can opt to use the ZAP ETH function and create an xSWEEPR position in fewer transactions, bypassing the need to interact with Uniswap frontend entirely. Simply select the ZAP ETH tab, choose your desired amount of ETH, and confirm the transaction. From here, simply deposit the newly created LP to immediately mint xSWEEPR and being receiving rewards and governance power.

Last updated